Monday, July 6, 2009

DIY, Take Two

What, you didn't think I would have a DIY weekend and only complete one project, did you?! After finishing our wooden wedding box on Saturday, I needed a Sunday project! Dad and Janet came up to Indy for a cookout on Friday, and they brought my perfect subject with them!

Here's a before look at the porch swing I bought at Grandma & Grandpa's estate auction:


I decided that red would spice up our white house with bluish gray trim! And I must say, I think it turned out quite well (with the help of Dan & Dave, who took care of the hardware aspects!):


I also painted a birdhouse to match... sorry, no photos of that to share. Next step is painting our front door to match! Ah, I hope Grandma & Grandpa would be proud... they were so much better at DIY projects than I am!


  1. Love it! Can't wait to try it out!

  2. ooh I love it. brings me back to being a kid. had one like it at my old house. I really want one again.
